Hepatitis A is a self-limited disease and chronic stage or other complications are rare. Infections occur early in life in areas where sanitation is poor and living conditions are crowded. Because the disease is transmitted through the fecal-oral route in dense populated regions, an outbreak can arise from single contaminated source. The cause of hepatitis A is hepatitis A virus (HAV)-non enveloped positive strand RNA virus with a linear single strand genome, encoding for only one known serotype.
The infection with HAV induces strong immunological response and elevated levels first of IgM and then IgG are detectable within a few days after the onset of the symptoms.
Hepatitis A Diagnostics
Wantai HAV-IgM ELISA is used for qualitative determination of IgM antibodies against HAV.
HAV-IgM Rapid Test CE View Information Pack
Wantai HAV-IgM Rapid Test is used for rapid, qualitative determination of IgM antibodies against HAV.
A member of the Hepadnaviridae family of viruses, the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is an enveloped, double-stranded DNA virus, which causes viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause both acute and chronic disease. HBV is recognized as the major cause of blood transmitted Hepatitis. Aside from blood, the virus can be present in body fluids, including semen and vaginal fluids.
The diagnosis of an HBV infection focuses on the detection of the Hepatitis B surface antigen HBsAg. To classify an HBV infection several serological markers expressed during the three phases (incubation, acute and convalescent) need to be identified.
Hepatitis B Diagnostic Tests
AiDTM HBsAg ELISA - View Information Pack
The Hepatitis B surface antigen HBsAg is the most important protein of the envelope of HBV. Four HBsAg subtypes have been identified (adw, ady, ayw, and ayr). Beijing Wantai’s high-sensitivity HBsAg ELISA kit recognizes most of the antigen’s mutants. The antigen can be detected three to five weeks before symptoms are developed.
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The “e” antigen is a viral protein associated with HBV replication indicating a high viral load. In chronic Hepatitis B infections, elevated levels of HBeAg can be detected for years. Beijing Wantai’s HBeAg ELISA is used to detect the HBeAg antigen.
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Once treated, HBeAg is the first serological marker that becomes negative and is replaced by the corresponding antibody anti-HBe. Beijing Wantai’s HBeAb is used for the qualitative determination of e antibody to the HBV core antigen (HBeAb) in serum or plasma.
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HBcAb is a marker of acute, chronic or resolved HBV infection. Beijing Wantai’s HBcAb ELISA is used for the qualitative determination of the antibody to core antigen of Hepatitis B virus (HBcAb) in serum or plasma.
HBcAb ELISA (Sandwich)
Beijing Wantai’s HBcAb sandwich ELISA is used for qualitative determination of the Hepatitis B Virus Core Antibody (HBcAb) in human serum, plasma or other biological fluids.
HBcAb IgM ELISA - View Information Pack
Shortly after the appearance of the Hepatitis B surface antigen HBsAg, antibodies to HBcAg are being produced. These persist for life both in people who have recovered from an HBV infection as well as in those who develop HBsAg carrier status. Beijing Wantai’s HBcAb IgM ELISA detects the presence of anti-Hepatitis B virus core antibody IgM (HBcAb-IgM).
HBsAb (Quantitative) ELISA
Beijing Wantai’s HBsAb (Quantitative) ELISA detects antibodies to the Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (anti-HBs) in human serum or plasma. During the acute phase of HBV infection, increasing titers of HBsAg neutralizing antibodies are a marker for recovery.
Hepatitis B virus particle’s pre-S1 protein and core antigens are markers of viral replication, and they are highly correlated with the amount of HBV DNA, collectively known as Hepatitis B virus nucleic acid related antigen (HBV NRAg). Beijing Wantai’s HBV NRAg ELISA detects HBV NRAg.
HBsAg Rapid Test (s/p/wb) - View Information Pack
The HBsAg Rapid Test (s/p/wb) can be used to test for the Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen HBsAg and delivers a result within 30 minutes.
HBsAb Rapid Test (s/p/wb) - View Information Pack
The HBsAb Rapid Test (s/p/wb) can be used to detect the Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antibody HBsAb and delivers a clear result in only 20 minutes.
The Hepatitis C (HCV) virus is an envelope, single-stranded positive sense RNA virus – a blood borne virus primarily transmitted by blood transfusion. Hepatitis C can take acute (asymptomatic) and chronic form, with more than 50% of infected individuals developing severe, life threatening chronic Hepatitis with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinomas. Globally, an estimated 71 million people have chronic Hepatitis C infection.
The first anti-HCV screening tests for blood donations were introduced in 1990. Produced using recombinant proteins complementary to the NS4 region of the virus as antigens, the tests showed limited sensitivity and specificity. Second generation tests showed an improvement in both sensitivity and specificity and included recombinant/synthetic antigens from the Core and non-structural regions NS3 and NS4. Third generation tests include antigens from the NS5 region of the viral genome in addition to NS3, NS4 and the Core.
Beijing Wantai’s ELISA test kits are third generation test kits intended for screening of blood donors and for diagnosing of patients related to infection with Hepatitis C virus.
Hepatitis C Diagnostic Tests
AiDTM anti-HCV ELISA - View Information Pack
Wantai AiDTM anti-HCV ELISA is an indirect ELISA for detection of antibodies to HCV in a two-step incubation procedure. During incubation, HCV antibodies will be bound to the pre-coated HCV antigens. Anti-human IgG antibodies conjugated to the enzyme HRP are then added. These HRP-conjugated antibodies will bind to any antigen-antibody complexes. By adding chromogen solutions the colourless chromogens are hydrolyzed by the HRP to a blue-coloured product. The intensity of the colour is proportional to the amount of antibodies.
AiDTM anti-HCV ELISA Plus - View Information Pack
Beijing Wantai’s AiDTM anti-HCV ELISA Plus is used for qualitative detection of antibodies to the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in human serum or plasma. The kit features BIOTIN amplification resulting in increased sensitivity and specificity. The test is based on the double antigen “sandwich” ELISA principle. This novel method for the testing of HCV antibodies allows detection of very early antibodies, including IgM and IgA in addition to the IgG which is the main target for detection of the previous generation assays.
HCV-Ab Rapid Test - View Information Pack
The HCV-ab Rapid Test detects antibody to the HCV virus and delivers a result in only 15 minutes.

HCV-Ab Confirmation test - View Information Pack
Beijing Wantai confirmation tests are intended for use as supplemental tests for human serum or plasma specimens found to be repeatedly active in HCV and HIV antibody screening procedures. Tests used for the diagnosis of HIV and HCV infection require a high degree of both sensitivity and specificity, which is achieved using an algorithm combining two tests. Once antibodies have been detected by an initial ELISA test, a second supplemental test using the immunoblot procedure is applied and confirms or excludes the results of the initial ELISA test.

Hepatitis D is caused by Hepatitis D virus – a defective (36nm-43nm) enveloped RNA virus, which requires co-infection with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) for its replication. When the virus genetic material is incorporated into the liver cells, HDV assembles itself by including HBV’s surface antigen (HBsAg) into its cytoplasm. Then the complete virus is released from the host liver cell and can infect new cells.
The virus exists throughout the world and infection is always associated with serum that is positive for HBsAg. The presence of anti-HDV antibody in a subject who is negative for HBsAg but positive for anti-HBs indicates a previous infection. The infection is endemic in Southern Europe (Greece, Italy), Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.
Hepatitis D Diagnostic Tests
HDV-IgG ELISA View Information Pack
Wantai HDV-IgG ELISA is used for qualitative determination of IgG antibodies against HDV.
Wantai HDV-IgM ELISA is used for qualitative determination of IgM antibodies against HDV.
The Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a non-enveloped, single stranded RNA virus primarily transmitted through the fecal-oral route, blood transfusion and possibly maternal-fetal. Infection with HEV causes acute sporadic and epidemic viral Hepatitis and induces acute or subclinical liver diseases similar to Hepatitis A. While there are four major genotypes of HEV, there is only one serotype.
Hepatitis E can be detected using Beijing Wantai’s diagnostic products. Our ELISA kits are intended for use in clinical laboratories for diagnosis and management of the Hepatitis E virus infections while our rapid test delivers a quick result in only 10 minutes. RNA detection with PCR can also be used for diagnosis of HEV infection. Our anti-HEV antigen (Ag)–specific ELISA offers an inexpensive alternative to PCR.
In 2012 the world’s first Hepatitis E vaccine Hecolin® was developed by our subsidiary Innovax [link to Innovax About]. The product Find out more about Hecolin®
Hepatitis E Diagnostic Tests
Wantai HEV-IgG ELISA - View Information Pack
HEV-IgG ELISA is used for qualitative determination of IgG antibodies against HEV.
Wantai HEV-IgM ELISA - View Information Pack
HEV-IgM ELISA is used for qualitative determination of IgM antibodies against HEV.
Wantai HEV-Ag ELISAPlus - View Information Pack
HEV-Ag ELISAPlus is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the qualitative detection of the Hepatitis E virus antigen.
Rapid Test for IgM antibody to Hepatitis E virus - View Information Pack
The Rapid Test for IgM antibody detection detects HEV-IgM antibodies and provides a clear test result within 10 minutes.